Monday, April 21, 2008

What was the role of the Hudson's Bay Company in Manitoba?


Danielle said...

The Hudson's Bay Company was an english fur trading company that traded furs with the French and the Metis. They Created the Metis when the HBC workers married the native women.

baillee said...

The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) was a company made up of English settlers and explorers that traded furs with the Aboriginals and the French. The English men started to marry the Aboriginals creating the Metis. this made the relationship between the two cultures stronger.

Tracy said...

The role ot the Hudson Bay Company in Manitoba was that the HBC was a fur trading company the HBC traded with the French and the metis. HBC helped to form what is now Manitoba.

Alli said...

The Hudsons Bay Company was a fur trade company made by the Enlgish explorers. They traded fur with the metis and the french. They started trading with the metis because of the marriage between the english men and the aboriginal women. this made the fur trade economy stronger and very important to the culture.

Damon said...

the role of the (HBC) was to trade furs with the metis and in the end their men ended up marrying aboriginal women and the kids were metis. this made the bonds of the two cultures even stronger than just the trades

Alex Robinson said...

The HBC was a fur trading company set up by a few bussinessmen from London. They purchased a vast piece of land and called it Rupert's land after Prince Rupert. They traded furs with Aboriginal groups and mapped a great deal of Rupert's Land. They were the first to map this region of Canada.

steven said...

the HBC was an english owned companythey traded with the french and metis. They married native women which makes metis people...

Curtis said...

The HBCwas an english fur trading company. merged with the NWC. The workers started marrying the indian women and formed metis'.

Anonymous said...

The HBC was an English fur trading company. It was made up of English settlers and explorers. They traded furs with the Metis and French.