Monday, April 21, 2008

What was the new generation of people called that were born from British/Native descent? Why were they important to Manitoba?


baillee said...

The new generation born from British/Native descent were the Metis or "country born". They are important to Manitoba because at one point they were most of the population and they made Manitoba the way it is today. They set up rights so that the government couldn't fully control us.

Alli said...

The new generation of people that were born British and Native were called the Metis, or the "country born". they were important becuase they brought the two cultures together and made a stand on not caring about race or culture. They made a difference.

Tracy said...

The generation born from British/Native decent were the Metis,"country born". They are important to Manitoba because, at one point in time they had the most population. The Metis people and Louis Riel made the bill of rights. They fought along side Riel for their rights and freedoms.

Danielle said...

The Metis or the people they called "country born" were the new gatheration of people of British and Native decent. They were important to Manitoba because they set up rights and also make up great portion of the population in Manitoba today.

adam said...

the metis were the people from the new generation from British/Native descent. they were inportant cause at one point they had the most population and they made tehy bill of rights

Damon said...

they were called the metis or "country born" they were important because they were most of the population and they made it so that the government couldnt have total ouot right control

steven said...

the english metis are called country born they were most of the population of manitoba they made rights so the government couldnt throw them around

Curtis said...

The new generation was born from British/Native descent were the Metis aka "country born". They are important to Manitoba because at one point they were the mayjority of the population and they made Manitoba to what it is today. They set up rights so that the government couldn't fully run us.

Anonymous said...

The new generation of people born from British/Native descent called themselves "country born" of "half-breeds". They are important to Manitoba because they aided the Selkirk settlers, they made rights so that the government had boundaries.